Roleplay Inn Reviews Overview


Roleplay Inn Reviews Overview

Over years of reading game reviews I've noticed one important thing. Different factors have different weight to different people. How you judge a game is likely different than how I judge a game, and both of us judge it differently than the next person. Because of this, roleplay inn reviews aim to create an easy to follow breakdown of different areas of quality within a game, both so we remember to cover these important topics in each review where they are applicable, and so that you can easily find information on the aspects of a game you care about most.

These are the following aspects that you can expect every Roleplay Inn guide to cover when they are applicable to the game being reviewed.

While we give our overall impression of the game first in our reviews, we right it last, making sure to consider all of these elements before posting our final review of the game.


What does this game bring to the table you can't experience in any other game? Is it a new take on a traditional style of game? An entirely unique game experience? Does it feel like a game I've played dozens of time before with a new skin and perhaps a gimmicky new feature?

Character Control & Combat

How engaging is the movement, combat and other basic aspects of game control? Is it fun? Does it feel natural or is it a bit janky?


Is your character or other aspects of the game customizable? Does the customization have depth? Are there many viable choices you can make or just an illusion of choice with a few "best" options?

Challenge / Pacing

Is the game too easy? Is the game too hard? Are there various aspects of gameplay that allow you to push your limits while other allow you to relax between more intense activity? Is the game literally all downtime while you wait on timers to finish? Do you need to grind for hundreds of hours to reach the content that actually provides a challenge or the portion of the game that interests you? Does it require thought and strategy to be successful? Does it take expert reflexes and timing?


What monetization models does the game use? How impactful is monetization on gameplay? How reasonable is the content offered for the the amount you are expected to pay?

Immersion / Artistic Appeal

How does the game, look, sound and feel? Do the graphics and sound effects pull you in, or push you away? How many details can be found in the world that make it feel like a living and breathing world? If the game does not seek to create immersion then are the visual and audio effects pleasing, and do they enhance the game experience?

Story / Lore

If the game attempts to create a narrative or world lore is it interesting? Does it enhance the game experience?

Crafting / Economy

Does the game have elements of crafting or economy? How detailed are they? How fun are they?

Stability / Performance

Does the game run well or are there numerous game-breaking bugs?

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